You may not realise it, but food isn't normally available all year round! If you grow it yourself then you'll also know that you sometimes get a glut. This is what happens to us most years for our rhubarb - I like it, but the rest of the family don't. So I'm very happy to give away our surplus crop to anyone who wants it - and we've still got some left now.
I've already given away three lots: to Malcolm and Ann, Juliet, and Hayley, Casie and Lilly. Hayley said that her kids "loved rhubarb picking- Lilly is still talking about it! Loved eating it raw but weren't so keen on crumble! Oh well, more for me!!!" I haven't tried it raw, but I must do now...
Some years I make Rhubarb and Ginger jam - the spiciness of the ginger is a great pick me up when I need a snack. If you need jars, you can probably get them on Freegle too. I'm told you can freeze rhubarb too.
Occasionally I bake the rhubarb: slice it thinly, add sugar and cinnamon then cover with some yoghurt before baking for 20 minutes or so.
If you have gluts of produce throughout the rest of the summer or apples and damsons in autumn, then please offer them to family, friends or Freegle! You can also offer plants, cuttings, trees and seeds, not to mention tools etc.
Anyway: more rhubarb crumble for me tonight - hurrah!